The Good Doctor Wiki
The Good Doctor Wiki

Dr. Matthew "Matt" Coyle is a former Attending Physician at St. Bonaventure Hospital, only to get moved to another department when complaints of sexual harassment towards others came to light.


Season 1[]

Coyle was an attending physician and San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, amongst his residents being Doctors Morgan Reznick and Alex Park. He infamously made sexual advances towards his subordinates, including his residents. However, none of them spoke up for fear that they would’ve been blamed for it all and they instead moved to other departments.

Once, Coyle was assigned to work with Dr. Claire Browne concerning software engineer Hazel Mitchell. Coyle gave Claire the lead a lot all the while making sexual advances towards her. She tried to get him to stop, which he didn’t take well and was even physically assaulted by Claire’s colleague Jared Kalu who got fired as a result.

Jared regretted his actions and tried to get Coyle to get Dr. Andrews (who fired Jared) to give him a second chance, but Coyle claimed that it wasn’t his problem. He was also confronted by Claire who threatened to unite everyone whom Coyle had made advances towards.

Coyle was eventually transferred by Allegra Aoki to another department where he wouldn’t have any contact with other colleagues or patients, which was all that she could do as there was no evidence of Coyle’s actions and he wouldn’t admit to having done anything.


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